

What is the Buzz About SME?

Publicado en: 2020-07-02
P2P versus P2B When talking about the crowdlending platforms, there are a lot of discussions about social responsibility and what is the destination of the invested money – who will be the end-user and for what purpose will...

Recap on the Recovery Period

Publicado en: 2020-06-25
About the last 3 months Realizing that this might already sound as a cliché – but for the last 3 months, we have been experiencing an unprecedented crisis that has been affecting almost everyone to a greater or lesser extent. However...

UPDATE / CROWDESTOR statement in light of COVID-19

Publicado en: 2020-04-01
Dear investors, Thank you all for your kind and understanding responses, as well as, for placing your concerns, questions and doubts. We have gathered and analysed all the information and would also like to come up with more explanations in...

CROWDESTOR statement in light of COVID-19

Publicado en: 2020-03-31
Dear investors, We would kindly like to address the current situation in the world with the recent global challenges, how this reflects to economy in general, CROWDESTOR investors and borrowers.  Therefore, we turn to you with the following statement...

Renovation of eclecticism style building

Publicado en: 2020-02-17
Artlijas Street 26 is a fully renovated home complex with a well-maintained environment and infrastructure just a few meters from Ziedondārzs with a sports ground, children’s playground, swimming pool, fountain, café, and dog walk. Interior and design...

Growing success of Blue Shock Race

Publicado en: 2020-02-03
Blue Shock Race is a new company that is engaged in the development and production of electric karts for almost five years. For start-ups, it is not easy to attract generous standard commercial offerings from banks to start-up growth because...