
Growing success of Blue Shock Race

Blue Shock Race is a new company that is engaged in the development and production of electric karts for almost five years. For start-ups, it is not easy to attract generous standard commercial offerings from banks to start-up growth because they want fundamentally significant collateral.

Such an opportunity like Crowdestor is a great platform where we, as a manufacturing company, can quickly and easily raise funds for our projects. This opportunity allows the company to immediately and without unnecessary and complex bureaucracy take its growth steps and get the financing it needs.

Thanks to Crowdestor investors, we have made significant participation in one of the world's largest karting exhibitions.


This opportunity has allowed us to present ourselves to a wide range of potential customers and to obtain new orders from which the company can return money to investors with interest.

 We plan to continue using the Crawdestor platform as an alternative to banks due to the speed and convenience this service offers. The Blue Shock Race team wants to thank every investor and is ready to work with a 120% return so that each investor gets back every cent he has invested and his interest that BSR has promised.
Sincerely, Founder and CEO of Blue Shock Race Artis Daugins.

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